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"pissed everyone off in literally record time" - Recommended by 10 out of 10 people who, for some sad reason, have a dedicated column up to watch #fediblock.

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m i s a n t h r o p i c
What do you think it means?

I'm not willing to say in a public forum.

m i s a n t h r o p i c
Ok ig.. how bad could it possibly be?? Anyway I think it's weird how the CIA and commies or whatever try to psyop everyone to their side, what's even the benefit of that? Who cares what some rando pos country does

It's a distraction. You get people protesting actions in some random other country (Ukraine, Palestine) and that uses all the bandwidth that could be used to even consider what's happening here.

Also, early on he describes how countries like Japan originally stopped this, and it's basically him describing gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping could have saved all the things we hold dear.

m i s a n t h r o p i c
That makes sense tbh but there's obv an interest in spreading ideology so it's not just a distraction. But yea I don't like "multicultural" ppl
@r000t @bot

One ethnic group per nation

Outsiders stay out one and all
@r000t @bot there is plenty is bandwidth for domestic issues to be considered and solved.

The domestic refuse to do it because they are genuinely retarded. In order for demoralizers to get in the door who let them in the first place?

If you going to say you are in a war with a hostile nation why are you letting the obvious and subtle in? That is called being retarded.
David Bucienski

@r000t @bot gatekeeping is not viable. We have an Internet now.

Critical thinking must be learned by everyone capable. Trivium.