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I had a disturbing thought while writing sth else...

Obscenity laws only apply to broadcast TV and not cable because of the idea that parents can't reasonably stop their kids from going to the store and getting a TV or antenna. Cable, on the other hand, requires contracts and an installer and etc.

Well, in the 2020s, I'd say it's easier to sign up for pay cable on a mobile device than to physically buy a TV. Cheaper, too.

Under that rationale, someone could argue for censorship on pay cable

@r000t >I'd say it's easier to sign up for pay cable on a mobile device than to physically buy a TV. Cheaper, too.
Unless you're picking it up from some crackhead on craigslist, maybe.

@mint YouTube TV offers a free trial to anybody with a Google account.

Same with all of the other over-the-top pay TV providers.... Sling, Fubo, Philo, Hulu, DirecTV Stream, etc.

@r000t Still need to have some sort of checking account, paypal or whatever. Meanwhile with craigslist you can hand over cash and be done with it. I asssume aerial broadcast still is a thing in Americas.

@mint I always just got prepaid visa gift cards when I wanted to buy sth online as a kid

and yes we still have broadcast tv, for now. they're trying to add DRM and encryption though.