@All_bonesJones @coolboymew can you recommend a good guide on making loras and properly labeling them?
the last one I read that made any sense to me said "tag anything that's *not* the thing you're trying to train" and that's really the only thing that stuck.
@All_bonesJones Don't need to use borrus, this is not for porn.
it won't overfit with a sample like this, right?
@All_bonesJones Alright. How many should be full-body shots, how many should be the face, how worried should I be about getting multiple expressions, and how worried should I be about only grabbing things where the subject has high contrast with the background?
or am I overthinking this?
@All_bonesJones The reason I'd be focusing on the face is to hopefully get it to reliably render out features such as his hourglass facepaint, his mohawk, and the two notches cut into the side of his hair, for example.