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Man, I'm too worried about making Ekko look bad by getting a vinyl decal for my back windshield

This coomer has an mf wrap


@r000t @coolboymew how would look bad


Well first off, because it's my dorky ass getting in and out of it.

But also, I drive like someone who is frequently blamed for shit, up to and including collisions. I get tickets for things the person next to me is doing.

So I drive in pure CYA mode. Dashcam, GPS logging, the works. This also means I don't speed or weave through traffic like maybe an Ekko main should. Before I removed my insurance's spyware from my phone, l steadfastly refused to go above 75, even for safety reasons, because I didn't want their asses bitching at me.

Also, if someone cuts you off in traffic, you're gonna think badly of anything and everything you can associate with them. At least for a moment.