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Electric Pants :prince_dance:
EU votes to mandate removable batteries in smartphones in a landslide; no more glued together junk!
2023_06_18_16_27_11_.jpg []

@sjw I'm genuinely unsure how I feel about this.

One of the reasons we went with non-replaceable batteries is that this prevents the user from cutting power and corrupting storage, which is something users like to do the moment the phone gets a little slow.

Protecting people from themselves is stupid
Quiet public

And yet it's a smart business decision.

"My Nuckinfutz phone got all screwy. I'm gonna get a Beechermeet phone instead."


Quiet public
Why do you care about the profits of large corporations?
Quiet public

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Quiet public
>I don't care about the profits of large corporations
Okay. So what does "yet, it's a smart business decision" mean then?
creator of #fediblock :verified::makemeneko:
Quiet public
@r000t @Hyolobrika @sjw @r000t tbf you can observe that a certain course of action appears intelligent for people holding certain motives without holding those same motives yourself
Quiet public
Yes, but when he posted it seemed to me that he was saying there are good reasons for doing that.
Quiet public
That's a good point.
There are reasons for having glued-in batteries that the EU either didn't think about or didn't care about. Which is a good argument for leaving it up to the market.
It's just disappointing that there are so few smartphone manufacturers that don't do that.
creator of #fediblock :verified::makemeneko:
Quiet public
@r000t @Hyolobrika @sjw @r000t leaving it up to the market doesn't always work so well. the market won't always take a long term or well informed view. if nothing else gluing batteries in makes recycling much more difficult

I'm not sure why designs that become disposable paperweights long before the end of the useful life of the hardware should remain legal for such a prolific product. related, selling products with locked bootloaders should not be legal for similar (and additional) reasons

regulation regarding solder composition, power supply efficiency, heavy metal content, fire safety, etc exists. this seems similar to me

fire safety is a really good example. I would absolutely not want that left up to the market to determine on its own. user serviceable batteries is obviously less extreme but I think how the dynamics play out (short term views dominating) are quite similar
I would even go so far as to say it's morally wrong to protect people from themselves by removing their freedom.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
― C.S. Lewis
@r000t @sjw Wouldn't a much smaller but an internal battery (that apparently still exists in smartphones today) fix the corruption issue?
:aplatinumdisco: Hyperhidrosis :win_err:
@r000t @sjw That's the most retarded reason i've ever heard
Quiet public

Someone's never worked help desk.

Also, just throwing this out there, a pretty big chunk of the "huehuehue EU so many regulations" crowd changes gears and licks boots in a big damned hurry when the thing they're making broad sweeping mandates over is tech.

Quiet public
I don't care as much when they regulate large corpos from doing anti-consumer things as when they regulate people's speech, or use of end-to-end encryption.
Am I a hypocrite for thinking that way?
:aplatinumdisco: Hyperhidrosis :win_err:
Quiet public
@Hyolobrika @sjw @r000t it's called having opinions
Quiet public

Also, sth super important to know about me is that I can argue any side. It definitely doesn't mean I agree with it.

I belive that if you have an opinion on sth, you should at least be able to try and argue the other side. This is how you make good arguments for use against someone who *actually* is of the other side.
@sjw @Hyperhidrosis

Quiet public
>GDPR is being used daily to chill projects and speech by randoms like you and me.
Quiet public

Here, deploy this code and you'll see people using GDPR to *try* and stop you. They obviously can't, but the overwhelming majority of people don't know that, and just obey scary letters.
@sjw @Hyperhidrosis

His latest project, a fedi search engine.
Quiet public
@Hyolobrika @r000t @Hyperhidrosis @sjw

I think the issue is allowing one form of regulation that you agree with sets precedent to allow ones you don't want. It's why I believe less regulation overall is the better solution.