is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
"pissed everyone off in literally record time" - Recommended by 10 out of 10 people who, for some sad reason, have a dedicated column up to watch #fediblock.

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"ok so you've compiled the desktop app and all of its dependencies?"
"okay so now you gotta find and pay for some relays"
"I'm just trying to look, I'm not looking to push out any messages quite yet"
"Cool so anyway you gotta find and pay for some relays"


I actually think paid relays are a good idea but are they actually doing that already?


@ademan @r000t

Yes, there are paid relays. Some claim to offer anti-spam services.

@r000t is incorrect in the above conversation he has with himself. There is no need to compile a client or pay to use a relay. I'm quite confident the vast majority of #Nostr users don't do either of these things.


@lizard @ademan Then all I can say is that the documentation sucks. About as bad as the community.

m i s a n t h r o p i c
It’s very new, but yes, the community is largely cryptard midwits (until today).

@bot @lizard @ademan The best part is gonna be getting talked down to by people who've been using cryptocurrency for like 2 years.

m i s a n t h r o p i c
Don’t worry, many of them are practically retarded. It’s more like people that have no hobbies or identity so they spend all day zapping each other and circlejerking about “muh sovereign digital revolution”.

Anyway, lots of fedi people are on it now and there’s also a bridge with fedi.