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Himbo Techbro

All League-related subreddits are scrubbing any posts that mention Vanguard in a negative light.

Nothing to see here. There are no bugs in ba sing se.

Trash Panda
Public wtf is vanguard?

Himbo Techbro

Kernel-mode anticheat that must start with the system, sends screenshots of your desktop to a remote server, and has a documented history of false positives and getting pissy about software that comes with gaming hardware

Trash Panda
Kernel-mode anticheat? You mean cancer?

Himbo Techbro

Yes this is correct.

Of course, when they deployed that for Valorant, I saw the writing on the wall and built a dedicated machine for them to shit all over as much as they want.

I'm taking a month break because I want to let other people catch all the false positives.

Trash Panda
Allow me a joke but:
A while back when it turned out that league of legends doesn't work on linux anymore my reaction was "linux gaming keeps getting better" so I won't be affected by this.
It's still fucking bullshit that something like this is allowed.
I wish people understood better the gravity of this and just stopped playing to show that we don't want it.

Pawlicker 🐾😹
Pawlicker 🐾😹
@raccoon @r000t the tl;dw is this: there are now cheats that bypass crap like vanguard by using a special PCIe card with another system modifying the ram of the main system. This is why Call of Duty Warzone has so many hackers.

Meanwhile everyone on console warzone, due to cross play, associates PC gamers with hackers now. I've literally run into console players talking about how every time they run into a hacker, it's always on the PC.

It's almost like the only way you can get rid of hackers is to run it on a system where you can't do shit like "plug in a PCIe card to modify DMA".
✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware:
@PurpCat @raccoon @r000t Its almost like server anticheat is the only way to kill cheaters....
Himbo Techbro

@PurpCat @raccoon lmfao, wait until they learn about thunderbolt