is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
"pissed everyone off in literally record time" - Recommended by 10 out of 10 people who, for some sad reason, have a dedicated column up to watch #fediblock.

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Sexy Moon
> Ghost is just Wordpress for people who think Wordpress is uncool for some reason. Use Wordpress.

hi my job used to be unfucking exploited wordpress servers :delet:
@Moon I hate wordpress so much

If you're not a high expert, you pretty much gotta not install or check your plug-ins a lot to see if they become not updated because even a fucking image carousel can be exploited

That's why my site's just middle school html. Hack my static site, cocknose.

And it loads so amazingly fast. And it works without javashit.

Mitch Conner
Quiet public
@r000t @coolboymew @Moon heh, "cocknose"