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Toonami Aftermath shows really old ads. For toys, video games and other random shit I've gotten. Like the Blue Man Group advertising new some Intel CPU. That's kinda cool

New ads are boring or has been ran into the ground at this point. I swear, whenever ad blocking on Twitch fails again, if I see another fucking cartoon bear wipes their fucking ass I'll go berserk
Dumb Idiot Retard
@coolboymew I don't even understand why it's necessary to have a toilet paper bear multiverse in the first place. It's expensive plush toilet paper that's worth every penny if you're a dumb Amerishart that's too poor for a bidet. Just lead with that, we don't need shitting bear commercials to justify anything.

A bidet is $30. People just don't like change.

I'd imagine a good portion of the country would spend twice that much (or the equivalent amount of time) letting everyone know how manly they are for not having a bidet. Others would seek out and destroy bidets.

You know, same thing insecure hicks do to every new thing.

Dumb Idiot Retard
Quiet public
@r000t @coolboymew it's not about the cost of buying one, it's about the investment of cramming one into your teeny tiny "full" bathroom that already doesn't have room for a toilet and shower.
Quiet public
@idiot @r000t true, most toilets are NOT setup for a bidet (I really wanted to write Biden)
Quiet public

You... Don't have an inch of room above the seat and two to the side?

Fuck, that *is* a cramped bathroom!

Quiet public
@r000t @idiot These works well?