is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
"pissed everyone off in literally record time" - Recommended by 10 out of 10 people who, for some sad reason, have a dedicated column up to watch #fediblock.

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Speedtest while on my local network, VPN through my firewall, back to my Speedtest server.

Clients are Viscosity for OpenVPN and the official Wireguard (MacOS)

OpenVPN: 818mbps / 259mbps / 2ms ping

Wireguard: 738mbps / 232mbps / 3ms ping

No VPN: 992mbps / 974mbps / 1ms ping

Why is Wireguard now the slower VPN option? lol
Himbo Techbro

How the fuck did you get OpenVPN to go faster than 100mbit?!

Quiet public
@r000t there's a kernel module now that accelerates it. Has existed for a couple years now.