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matrix07012 :thotpatrol:

@matrix Modern smoke alarms really should be a voice prompt. Harder to ignore than a single chirp.

Then again, modern units also have 10 year built-in batteries.


@r000t @matrix voice prompts are a slippery slope to mandatory mobile apps and push notifications


@VD15 @matrix I'd sure love a notification if my house was on fire, especially given the sheer number of people who threaten to burn my house down


@r000t @matrix Sure, but would you love weekly offers and newsletters from their parent company? What are you gonna do? Mute the app and let your house burns down?


@VD15 @matrix Channels. If they don't separate those notifications into channels, they're in violation of app store policies and would not be capable of publishing the app.

Also, anything I'd personally deploy would be enterprise-grade shit that talks to *my* monitoring systems, not theirs.

skylar (wolfgirlpilled)
@r000t @VD15 @matrix you know they'd do it anyway
>hi welcome to nigger alarm
>sign in with facebook or google to continue
>please grant the app permissions for precise location, access to photos, camera and microphone, and your contacts
>error: you must accept our third party data sharing policy to continue
>your app has been updated to version 3.23.1233245345.42069.1488.1! check out our exciting new features and also we've reset all notification settings to defaults
>new notification: check out our rainbow themed smoke detectors for buttsex month!