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Electric Pants :prince_dance:
So here's the plan: this Saturday I'm getting high af and watching animu/movies/TV shows and eating junk food. I may even get on mumble.

I'm going to order a bag of potato chips and two boxes of cosmic brownies because. Should this be enough or should I get another bag of potato chips?

Additionally, what shows/movies/animu would you recommend. Animu will need to be dubbed because I won't be able to read subs.

Are there any other foods you'd recommend?

I'm aiming for mesosphere, possibly even low thermosphere levels of high.
chips.jpg []
cosmic_brownies.jpg []

@sjw How about something organic, healthy, non-GMO, and non-processed?


Nah, you gotta go all out for your first time, or your first time after a huge t break. The emptier the carbs, the better. Cosmic brownies are right where you wanna be.

Throw in some oreos, full strength coke from Mexico with the real fucking sugar, and 10 orders of the otherwise-inedible $1.49 "chicken" nuggets from burger king.

Just completely destroy your neurotransmitter levels. You'll never get that high again, make it count.