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If someone is vehemently against fedi search engines, you have to wonder... What are they trying to hide?

Usually it's something like this.

Blobfrog9000 🐸❄️☯️🌘

@r000t I insist that these people are sociopaths.


@neglesaks Sociopaths cannot bond with *any* group at all.

This is definitely antisocial behavior, but it's 100% caused by the cult they're in. This is learned behavior.

Blobfrog9000 🐸❄️☯️🌘

@r000t Give these people enough leash and enough foregiveness, and they *will* end up doing the sick, violent shit they dream up online. It's inevitable.


@neglesaks Oh, absolutely. There's no doubt about that.

What I'm saying is, this isn't a hardware problem. They were flashed with this.

Blobfrog9000 🐸❄️☯️🌘

@r000t I don't disagree; by tge way I tend to differentiate between Psychopathy (what you term hardware problem) and Sociopathy (origin in nurture, environment, or learned behavior), though perhaps it's a bit dated terminology.

Moot point, though. The end result will be the same - they will likely not seek treatment for their illness because they have an online echo chamber for support.

Do you see what I mean by 'social media' being a terrible thing for humans?